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2020123A Review of Taiwan’s Protection Against COVID-19 from the Perspective of Policy PhilosophiesJen-Hui Hsu, Yun-Huei Chiu1-16
2020123An Exploration of Establishing Regional Hakka Cultural Cooperation OrganizationPao-Chien Wang17-44
2020123Factors of Influencing Civil Servants’ Job Turnover IntentionTzu-Cheng Yu, Hsiang-Kai Dong45-86
2020123Anti-corruption Institutions in Taiwan: A Holistic Governance PerspectiveLi-Wei Chen87-129
2020122An Analysis of Policy Change from “Social Enterprise” Action Plan to “Social Innovation” Action Plan: The Multiple Streams Model PerspectiveMin-Hsiu Chiang, Hao-Jung Chang1-34
2020122Debate on Assessment Center Approaches and Its Solutions: A Case of In-Basket ExerciseIrving Yi-Feng Huang35-55
2020122On Public Service Motivation and Its Enhancing Strategies after Civil Service Pension Reform in TaiwanChunta Lee57-87
2020121Public Policy & Crafting Market PolicyJen-Hui Hsu1-14
2020121Civil Service Pension Design: Defined Benefit, Defined Contribution or Hybrid?Yu-Ying Kuo, Chilik Yu, Hsin-Fang Tsai15-49
2020121The Impacts of Emotional Intelligence on Job Satisfaction: The Mediation and Moderation Effects of Public Service MotivationHsiang-Kai Dong, Chia-Hui Leou51-92
2020121An Evaluation of Employee Assistance Programs of Taipei City GovernmentChi-Jung Lu, Cun-Yi Dai, Don-Yun Chen93-133
2019114Shaping Clean Governance: An Organizational Behavior PerspectiveJong H. Huang, Yi-Chang Yeh1-19
2019114Is Case Method the Future of Public Management Professional Training? Evidence-based Arguments from an Experimental DesignDon-Yun Chen, Hung-Yi Hsu, Mei-Chiang Shih, Tsuey-Ping Lee, Shiu-Ting Chen21-71
2019114Gender Equality Issues in Civil Service Examination and Bailiff Operation: Some Reflections from Empirical StudiesYu-Jung Lee, Jong H. Huang73-101
2019114The Current State and Challenges of the Long-term Care System in JapanYu-Cheng Sheng103-133
2019113A Reflection on the Force Point of Participatory Teaching and Public Employees’ Collaborative Competency BuildingLung-Teng Hu, Kuan-Chiu Tseng1-27
2019113Reviewing the Whistleblower Protection Bill Proposed by the Executive Yuan in 2019Wulung Yang, Shuju Lee29-69
2019113Human Resource Management Strategies for an Aging Civil ServiceHsiang-Kai Dong, Tsan-Chi Chien, Pei-Wen Su71-103
2019113An Analysis of Government-Citizen Collaboration in the Prevention of Intimate Partner ViolenceMei Jen Hung, Hong-En Wu105-138
2019112Policy Design: A Case Study of Long-Term Care Policy Yu-Ying Kuo1-25