- August - Kung Te-cheng, Lin Chin-sheng, and Wang Tseng-tsai are appointed president, vice president, and secretary-general of the seventh Examination Yuan, respectively. Li Tsung-tao and 18 others are named commissioners; Chu Shao-hua, Minister of Examination; and Cheng Kuei-hua, Minister of Civil Service.
- May - The Act of Governing the Appointment of Educators is promulgated.
- January - The Civil Service Examination Act and the Professionals and Technologists Examination Act are promulgated.
- April - The Civil Service Employment Act is promulgated.
- July - The Civil Service Performance Evaluation Act and the Civil Service Pay Act are promulgated.
- January - The Civil Service Promotion Examination Act is promulgated.
- November - The Examination Affairs Act is promulgated.
- December - The Judiciary Personnel Management Act is promulgated.
- March - The Yuheng Building of the Examination Yuan is inaugurated.