- August - Mo Te-hui, Wang Yun-wu, and Ching Tsuo-kang are named president, vice president, and secretary-general of the second Examination Yuan, respectively. Yang Liang-kung and 18 others are appointed commissioners.
- December - The Regulations for Foreign Nationals Taking the Professional and Technical Examinations are promulgated.
- May - The correspondence exchange office is moved from the Confucian Temple to the Examination Yuan premises in Mucha.
- June - The Act on Civil Service Employment in Warring Areas during the Emergency Period is promulgated.
- July - The Examination Yuan formulates guidelines on planning-execution-supervision administrative system promoted by itself and its subordinate agencies.
- August - Chen Hsueh-ping is appointed Minister of Examination.
- January - The Civil Service Insurance Act is promulgated.
- July - Huang Chi-lu is named Minister of Examination.
- September - Cheng Tien-fang and Kuan Chi-yu are appointed Vice President and Secretary-General of the Examination Yuan, respectively.
- October - The Civil Service Position Classification Act is promulgated.
- January - The Veterinarian Act is promulgated.
- June - The Act Governing the Employment of Diplomatic and Consular Personnel Stationed Overseas is promulgated.