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Improving the Assessment of Chinese Test in Civil Service Examination / Tseng Hui-min

Technology has affected how people use language and the tools they use. Because language skills will continue to be important in the future, the Civil Servant Exam will continue to include Chinese language as its test subject.
Chinese language examination has been criticized for its contents and evaluation process. As a result, The Ministry of Examination conducted a study in April 2001 to improve the design of test questions and the evaluation procedure. The goal is to make the examination an effective tool for evaluating test takers' language ability. In addition to traditional composition, we may require test takers to prepare a variety of essays such as exposition, description, revision, condensation, elaboration, and critique. In addition to reading test, we may test their ability in language usage, literary appreciation, and cultural analysis. Topics will go beyond literature to include social issues, technological development and others. We expect these changes to improve the validity and reliability of Chinese language examination. It will definitely be a challenge for test takers, agencies that administer the examination, and the Ministry of Examination.