

標題 推動雙語國家政策於公務人員訓練之英語力培訓策略
研究年度(民國年) 110 研究主持人 陳純音
撰稿人 參加人數
專案會議 研究方式 自行研究(機關預算)
研究經費 384604 研究機構 國立臺灣師範大學
中文關鍵字 公務人員、英語力、學習地圖、培訓策略、雙語國家
英文關鍵字 civil servants, English proficiency, learning map, training strategies, bilingual nation
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討我國公務機關各類初任及晉升人員之英語職能訓練需求並提供相關政策及策略建議 。研究方法包含文獻分析 、 問卷調查與焦點座談等。依據文獻,設計線上問卷,調查各單位英語業務現況及所轄部屬之英語職能訓練需等。 塡答人為109~110年各單位有進用前述公務人員之直屬主管 ,問卷回收536份,有效問卷共434份 。此外,本研究依據問卷調查結果,舉辦4場焦點座談視訊會議,共有19位單位主管 (中央 8位、地方7位、警察4位)參加。
一、 各單位目前英文業務量以英文網站最高,其次是英文文宣、外賓接待、英文櫃台服務與涉外文件翻譯。
二、 各單位對於英文業務自行處理優先順序,英文網站、英文櫃台服務及外賓接待並列為最優先,英文文宣和涉外相關文件則分為第二和第三優先。
三、 有關英語不同技能方面,各單位主管勾選現任人員「尚可」者最多,惟勾選「未來」人員「佳」以上者最多,而且比例為現任人員就任時的3至5倍。
四、 各類公務人員之英語職能訓練內容優先順序為聽力、口說、閱讀、寫作及筆譯 /口譯技巧 自主學習資源仍以最優先居多。
五、 對於初任或晉升官等職能訓練內容,主管們建議可不做區分 。
六、 陞任簡任官等職務人員處理公務時,需要的英語情境主要是公務簡報、外賓接待及公務書信。
最後,本研究建議國家文官學院未來建置公務情境線上學習護照 、 E化公務情境學習素材及建置公務情境數位互動學習平台 ,以提供學員自主學習資源。
英文摘要 The main purpose of this research is to act in concern with the bilingual nation promotion policy by exploring the English training needs of civil servants and providing relevant policy and strategic recommendations. The research methods included document analysis, questionnaire surveys, and focus discussions. Based on the literature review, an online questionnaire survey was designed to investigate current English tasks of each division and English training needs of civil servants in the division. The participants were heads of administrative divisions that employed the aforementioned civil servants from Years 2020 to 2021. A total of 536 questionnaires were collected, but only 434 were found valid. In addition, based on the results of the survey, four online focus group discussions were organized, with 19 division heads (8 from the central government, 7 from the local government, and 4 from the police) participating.
The major findings of the present study are as follows:
1. English websites are ranked the highest of all the English tasks in each division, followed by English propagandas, foreign guest receptions, English counter services and foreign-related document translations.
2. With regard to the self-managed English tasks, English websites, English counter services and foreign guest receptions are of the highest priority. English propagandas and foreign-related document translations are of the second and third priorities, respectively.
3. As for English language proficiency in different skills, current officials are mostly considered “fair", but future officials are mostly expected to be "good", “excellent” or “native-like”, and this proportion is 3 to 5 times higher than that of current officials when they take office.
4. English training courses for civil servants are listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation/interpreting in order, and self-directed learning resources are still of the highest priority.
5. The contents of English training for beginning civil servants and that of promoted civil servants are suggested to be non-distinctive.
6. The English scenarios required for high-ranking officials are mainly official briefings, foreign guest receptions, and official correspondence.
To make the English training feasible, we suggest that the National Academy of Civil Service (NACS) make a policy to improve civil servants’ ability to use English in official situations. In addition to a learning map and course outlines, three-dimensional training strategies are proposed:
1. To offer contextual English courses in person and online.
2. To create immersive scenarios to teach English for civil servants.
3. To cultivate lifelong learning skills in English for civil servants.
Finally, it is recommended that the NACS create online learning passports, digitalize contextual English learning materials for civil servants, and establish an interactive learning platform to provide civil servants with self-learning resources.