

標題 強化退撫基金另類資產投資之研究
研究年度(民國年) 108 研究主持人 黃泓智
撰稿人 參加人數
專案會議 研究方式 自行研究(機關預算)
研究經費 321500 研究機構 國立政治大學風險管理與保險學系
中文關鍵字 退撫基金;另類投資;資產配置;投資績效;風險管理
英文關鍵字 Public Service Pension Fund; Alternative Investment; Asset Allocation; Investment Performance; Risk Management
中文摘要 公務人員退休撫卹基金(以下簡稱退撫基金)國內投資受限於可運用之工具不足,鑒於退撫基金在另類資產投資尚屬起始階段,爰期藉由此研究案蒐羅各種另類資產之流動性、報酬型態與最新趨勢,期能作為退撫基金日後辦理相關業務之參據。在本研究計畫蒐集並整理主要國際上在另類投資參與較多的退休金制度如加拿大、美國,加州公務人員以及韓國制度之相關資料文獻,用以分析其組織架構、投資決策流程、另類投資資產配置類型與方向外,並瞭解其對另類資產投資流程與可行之監管機制,並探討基金投資上值得我國借鏡之處。
英文摘要 In Taiwan, the Public Service Pension Fund (PSPF) considers including the alternative assets to enhance the performance of the pension fund. However, the PSPF’s experience in alternative investment is still in the initial stage. Therefore, this study collects the information in alternative investment regarding the return and risk patterns, investment, risk management decision and performance measure, to provide a reference for PSPF to handle related operation in the future. In this research project, we review related literature of pension system in other countries to analyze the investment decision-making process, asset allocation type and risk management procedure and to explore their investment process and governance mechanism.
We also through in-depth interviews with industry executives and experts to obtain effective information or analysis that cannot be obtained through the literature collection and analysis. Finally, we put forward specific proposals for strengthening the governance mechanism, asset allocation and investment strategy of the Public Service Pension Fund.