

標題 性別平等與公務人力評估-國家考試性別設限類科之實證研究
研究年度(民國年) 107 研究主持人 黃榮護
撰稿人 參加人數
專案會議 2018 研究方式 自行研究(機關預算)
研究經費 298000 研究機構 台灣透明組織協會
中文關鍵字 性別平等、公務人力、真實職業資格、考訓合一
英文關鍵字 This research focuses on the different situations facing by the selection of most suitable civil service manpower for the proposed positions under the trend of gender egalitarianism. In other words, different government bureaus and departments may face different challenges to fulfill the current demand of general equality in terms of examinations for job recruitment and implementation. Through in-depth interviews with 27 interviewees, two field trips, two expert forums (with 11 experts) and relevant official information provided, the research team argues that there is an universal value of gender equality within government agents. However, different government agents may have different understandings on how to pursue gender equality internally. Especially when there are still (permanent) job vacancies within certain government agents, the demand for such agent to accelerate their pursuit of gender equality is usually high. Our recommendation is that each government agent should carefully define the meaning and criteria of gender equality in their daily practice. Different standards of examinations or gender quotas are often applied in the process of job recruitment as espoused theory of gender equality. However, in terms of theory in use, certain job positions require certain sets of specific skills and physical ability, which may not be appropriated if special criteria or gender quotas are applied in the name of gender equality. The recruitment criteria of such job positions should reflect the authenticity of actual job contents (bona fide occupational qualification). The Ministry of Examination and individual government agents should be able to reach consensus on how to integrate the process of recruitment and training in the hope of finding the most suitable candidates for the government jobs.
中文摘要 本研究案探討近年來性別主流化(平等)在篩選最適公務人力時面臨到的狀況。亦即,各機關在性別平等此價值推動的潮流下,在考試內容與工作狀況中遇到的性別差異。透過27名深入訪談者、兩次實地參訪、兩場(11位)專家座談,以及各機構提供之相關資料,研究團隊認為,在認同性別平等此普世價值的前提下,各機關存有不同程度的理解與推動進程。再加上機關編制員額尚未補足,故常將公務人力與性別平等此二者相連。建議各機關應審慎思量性別平等之意涵與其在公務運作中扮演的角色,根據等則等之的原則將性別平等此信奉的價值(espoused theory)具體落實在實際中(theory in use)。透過真實職業資格的確認,各機關能夠在體格、體能以及考試、訓練等方面達到共識,透過考訓合一(而非分離)的方式拔擢最適公務人力。
英文摘要 Gender Equality, Civil Human Resource Management, Bona Fide Occupational Qualification, Integration of Recruitment and Training.