

標題 公務人員職組職系及公務人員考試類科之檢討研究
研究年度(民國年) 104 研究主持人 張四明
撰稿人 參加人數
專案會議 2015 研究方式 自行研究(機關預算)
研究經費 研究機構 國立臺北大學公共行政暨政策學系
中文關鍵字 簡併職組職系、一職系一類科原則、一職系多類科現象
英文關鍵字 Simplify and merge placement sectors-and-departments; Principle of ‘one placement department, one subject’; ‘One placement department, multiple subjects’ phenomenon.
中文摘要 我國公務人員職組職系之設置,旨在因應專業分工之考量,但由於區分過為繁雜瑣細,不僅妨礙行政機關用人彈性,也造成公務人員轉調不易、難以培養通才等困境,而迭有檢討簡併的強烈呼籲。本研究透過文獻分析法、深度訪談法、焦點團體座談法等,進行資料蒐集分析,並以銓敘部於 104 年 5 月所提之修正版本為依據,進行第三次焦點團體座談會,以檢討現行設置是否合理妥適,有否簡併之必要,以及如何簡併等,最終獲得以下重要發現:一、職組職系應朝整併方向修正,但對於特定的職組職系,則有不同的附加意見;改革幅度不宜過大,應採漸進、分階段方式調整,以減緩反彈;應考量公務人員的權益保障及考試類科的對應調整等配套措施。二、職組職系之設置,原則上以「簡併、通才、彈性」為主,且行政類以通才為導向、技術類強調專業取向,但行政類十一職等以下仍強調專才為主。三、銓敘部審核職組職系之增設案時,考量原則包括所提出需求的必要性、急迫性,與牽涉範圍的廣域性;再者,職組職系與考試類科是屬於上下
檢討與變革,改革工程誠屬不易。最後,提出研究建議:一、具體的行政類職組職系整併案(表 5-1)和技術類職組職系整併案(表 5-2);二、在改革策略上,宜採行分階段調整、漸進方式進行;對於有共識部分可以較大幅度的改革;爭議較多者,則先行擱置,繼續研議替代的整併方式;三、加強公務人員的溝通工作,以凝聚續階整併工程之共識;四、針對因整併引發對公務人員權益的衝擊,應研議並納入相關的配套措施;以及,五、強調對政策利害關係人之溝通說服。
英文摘要 This study is for specializing consideration that our nation set up public servants’
placement sectors and departments. Owing to the division is too complicated, it is not only
hider staff flexibility, but also result in transferred and cultivated general-talented-person
difficulty. The research use Literature Review, Deep Interview and Focus Group Meeting
methods to accumulate and analyze data to review it’s proper or not? Need to simplify or
merge? On the ‘placement sector and department’ issue of our nation’s public servants, our
important findings are as follows: the direction of reform is the placement sectors and
departments should be simplified and merged; on the contrast, the specific placement
sector and department weigh out additional opinions: on reforming strategies, we prefer
stepwise adjustment and graduate march. However, the placement sectors’ and
departments’ establishment, in principle: a)flexibility, b)simplification merge, and c)generally
talent person. Besides, the administrative sections emphasize generally-talent person
orientation; on the contrast, the technical sections do professional orientation (experts). By
the way, they are also experts on the table on and lowing eleven-grade. The added proposal
auditing by the Ministry of Civil Service should consider the needs: a)necessities. b)urgency.
c)involving wide area. The placement sector-and-department and exam subjects are
up-and-down stream relationship; furthermore, linked adjustments. Besides, the review
prior direction is case of: Specular Exam and General Exam less amount of examinees and for
responding the specific needs in order to cool down the reform attach. The placement
sector and department be established by three institutions: a)‘one placement department,
one subject’, b)‘one placement department, multiple subjects’, c)’one subject inflecting
multiple placement departments. Especially, the Senior Exam (third level) obviously doesn’t
follow the principle of ‘one placement department, one subject’ rule. So the outcome will
shun down the framework operations, the engineering is not so easy. At last, this research
provides suggestions as below: To concrete proposals both of administrative sections and of
technical sections with placement sectors-and-departments. Meanwhile, the reformed
strategies: a. preferred stepwise adjustment and graduate march. b. on the consensus parts
– enlarge span, the other parts (less consensus) – shelve disputes and continue to searching
for alternatives to simplify and merge. Besides, strengthen the connection of civil servants
for cohesion the-next-steps engineering consensus. We have to research, point to
public-servant rights’ conflict and be adopted to relatedly supporting measures.