

標題 特種考試地方政府公務人員考試制度改革之研究
研究年度(民國年) 103 研究主持人 黃國敏
撰稿人 參加人數
專案會議 2014 研究方式 自行研究(機關預算)
研究經費 研究機構 中華大學行政管理學系
中文關鍵字 分區錄取、地方特考、高資低就、重複報考、增額錄取
英文關鍵字 High qualifications in insignificant positions, Local Special Examination, Lowering the passing threshold, People Passing Civil Service Examination in different regions, Repeated examination enrollment
中文摘要 特種考試地方政府公務人員考試制度(簡稱地方特考)是中華民國政府因應特殊性質機關需要而舉行之公務人員地方特種考試,並採分區錄取、分區分發方式辦理。公務人員考試法限制轉調的規定原先只有特考才有,即及格人員在六年內不得轉調申請舉辦特種考試機關及其所屬機關、學校以外之機關、學校任職,此一制度就是「特考特用」的原則。本研究以地方特考改革為出發點,透過文獻分析、焦點團體法、深度訪談法以及SWOT分析等多元研究方法,進行資料收集與統計分析。
英文摘要 The Special Examinations for Local Government Employees (hereinafter referred to as
Local Special Examinations) in the Republic of China are held to meet specific needs of local
governments. The same examination is held simultaneously in different regions and those
qualified are assigned to government agencies in the region where the examination is held. As
currently stipulated in the Civil Service Examinations Act, government employees who have
taken and passed special examinations may not apply within the first six years to be transferred
outside the agencies or schools to which they are originally assigned. This is the principle of
“special examinations for specific purposes.” This study is intended to assess the feasibility
of reform of Local Special Examinations by analyzing related literature as well as adopting
the group focus method, in-depth interviewing and SWOT analysis to collect information and
perform statistical analysis.
This study concludes that the directions of reform include maintaining the status quo,
making gradual reform and initiating radical reform. In the meantime, it is also discovered
during the research that repeated examination enrollment and use of people with high
qualifications in insignificant positions are not real problems in reform of Local Special
Examinations. The real problems, as a matter of fact, are that not enough people or no one
passes such examinations and the passing threshold cannot be lowered to recruit more
government employees. For this reason, it is suggested that similar studies conducted in the
future should discuss the reliability of the examinations and the validity of civil servant
employment of the year, test item discrimination indices, comparison of different
examinations, and application of big data from examination statistics and etc.