




近年來,以整合公共政策、行為經濟學、心理學等領域所發展成的行為政策學在理論與實務上影響力日增,其中推力政策工具,尤其受到關注與討論,在國內也逐漸增加與受到採用。但此種帶有操控性質的方式,亦面臨倫理上的爭議,因此對於推力政策工具進行的倫理省思有其重要性。本文主要透過文獻分析方式,試圖達成以下幾個目的:釐清推力工具的意義、類型及相關質疑;引介推力工具主要倡議者Cass R. Sunstein對於倫理質疑的辯護;再嘗試由政策工具的倫理視角,重新對推力工具進行評估與省思,以做為後續決策者審慎應用的參考。本文首先說明推力工具的意義、多元型態與面臨的爭議,進而闡明Sunstein如何論證推力工具並不符合政府操控的界定及政府的介入有其必要性;再說明Sunstein如何由福利、自主、尊嚴與自治等四種價值為基礎對於推力工具進行辯護。但在評估後,可發現這些辯護方式仍有概念模糊、忽略條件、隱含價值、菁英取向、社會孤立等倫理上的疑慮。本文認為:推力政策工具雖有其優勢,但在運用上仍不能忽略倫理與價值層面的考量,特別是政策參與及社會公正等價值的追求,如此方有助於強化政策認同、鞏固民主體制。


An Ethical Reflection on “Nudging” Policy Tools

Chen-Kuo Shih


The influence of behavioral public policy which integrated the research on public policy, behavioral economics, and psychology has increased in theory and practice in recent years. And nudging tools have attracted extensive attention and discussion especially. In Taiwan, policy tools based on nudge have increased and been adopted gradually. But the characteristic of manipulation for nudging policy tools alarmed some ethical critics. It is vital to evaluate and reflect on these ethical controversies. The main purpose of this article is to elucidate the meanings, contents, and critics of nudging policy tools and to introduce the response to critics of Sunstein, an important proponent of nudging theory. After evaluating and reflecting on the ethical issues of nudging policy tools, the author reminds decision-makers to use nudging tools carefully. This article illustrates Sunstein’s arguments about the necessity of government intervention and the reasons for nudge being incompatible with manipulation. The article also discusses Sunstein’s justifications from the values of welfare, autonomy, dignity, and self-government to consolidate the ethical foundation of nudging tools. Finally, the author points out the ethical doubts of these justifications from Sunstein. These doubts include ambiguous concepts, neglected context, laden value, elitism, and social isolation. The author emphasizes the importance of ethical considerations such as policy participation and social justice for nudging policy tools. These considerations are vital for strengthening policy identification and democratic consolidation.

Keywords: nudge, policy tools, policy ethics, behavioral policy science, manipulation