




員工是組織最重要的資產,為了協助員工解決因為個人因素而導致生產力下降的各項問題,企業透過系統化的專業服務,提供「員工協助方案」(employees assistance programs, EAPs),舉凡與組織議題有關的諮詢或是員工本人及家屬所遭遇的困難,都在服務範圍內,透過有效預防或解決因應的方式,讓員工能身心健康地投入工作之中,藉以提升組織效能。



[關鍵詞]:      員工協助方案(EAPs)、混合方法、臺北市政府、多元管理

An Evaluation of Employee Assistance Programs of Taipei City Government

Chi-Jung Lu, Cun-Yi Dai, Don-Yun Chen


From the perspective of human resource management, employees are the most important asset of the organization. In order to improve organizational effectiveness, helping employees solve the performance problems caused by personal factors is more important now. It’s very popular that organizations provide employees with employee assistance programs (EAPs). The consultations related to organizational issues or the difficulties encountered by employees and their families are part of EAPs services.

This study aims to investigate how the Taipei City Government promotes its employee assistance programs, using mixed methods to acquire in-depth and complete data to understand the current situation of those programs and the difficulties during the process of promotion. It also analyzes the factors affecting the results of the implementation of those programs.

This study finds out that respondents were satisfied with the Taipei City Government’s EAPs, except for the “overtime work plan.” Although most respondents thought EAPs are important, they still considered EAPs ineffective. However, as a whole, respondents agreed on the effectiveness of EAPs. Meanwhile, the main factors affecting the Taipei City Government’s promotion of EAPs are senior support, confidential ethics system and organizational culture. Interestingly, different from most literature review, respondents preferred “in-house model” instead of “out-of-house model.” Finally, this study also finds that the problems of Taipei City Government’s promotion of EAPs were the lack of resource integration and the shortage of manpower.

Keywords:    employee assistance programs (EAPs), Mixed Method, Taipei City Government, diversity management