




自2016年,蔡英文總統代表政府向原住民族道歉之後,我國原住民族的自治進程便隨之加速。為達成這個總體的目標,當前的討論多集中在自治後的資源分配、權力配置、疆界劃定等政治性議題;反觀自治之後如何才能有效達到善治(good governance)的目標,論者則鮮少論及。有鑑於此,本文嘗試從公共行政的角度,來分析原住民族自治與課責間的關係。對此,我們指出自治與善治並非兩個對立的命題。事實上,善治與課責其實是一種「防範機制」(safeguards)。這種機制不單是防範與管控而已,同時也蘊含了提升績效和鼓勵積極創新的側面。正因為如此,未來原住民族自治政府上路之後,一樣會有其適用的空間。本文除論述自治與課責的關係之外,更進一步指出課責在原住民族自治中應分為「一般性政府課責」與「原住民族課責」等兩個不同的向度,並宜分別檢視。整體來說,前者與其他行政機關的課責並無二致;後者則因涉及原住民族獨特的世界觀,處理時應具備一定的文化敏感度,才能符合各族獨特的文化與需求。有鑑於原住民族自治非常可能改變我國既有體制,本文也從公共行政與原住民族研究交錯的觀點,對學門間的交錯與互補提出看法。

[關鍵詞]:       原住民族、自治、課責、治理、善治

Achieving Good Governance for Indigenous Self-government: Some Challenges in Taiwan

Chih-Tung Huang, Li-Yi Hsu


In 2016, President Tsai Ing-wen issued an official apology to the Taiwanese indigenous peoples. This apology soon started heated debates on the progress of indigenous self-government. Most of the debates focused on political issues, such as financial supports, jurisdiction, and territory. This article, however, adopts a PA-approach (public administration) by arguing that indigenous self-government and good governance should go hand in hand, as governance and accountability are safeguards of public interests. Given that, it also argues that there are two forms of accountability in indigenous governance. Government accountability is a concept for all contemporary governments; indigenous accountability, however, is a culturally appropriate view for indigenous governments/organizations. It is stressed that PA researchers should stay culturally sensitive. We further argue that as an ever-expanding discipline PA could definitely learn from the experiences of indigenous self-government.

Keywords:  indigenous peoples, autonomy, accountability, governance, good governance