




本文基於代表性官僚理論,以原住民族地區55個鄉(鎮、市、區)公所為研究對象,機關為分析單位,運用多元迴歸分析,探究影響原住民族消極代表性的因素。在原住民族消極代表的測量上,本文採用代表指數法與Pitts指數兩種測量方法。經過統計分析發現,第一,當機關首長具有原住民身分時,機關的原住民族代表指數或Pitts指數都會比較高。第二,當機關所在區域的原住民人口百分比愈高,機關的原住民族代表指數與Pitts指數反而會愈低。另外,本文也進一步運用敏感度分析,確認原住民族消極代表性的最適條件,譬如當機關首長為原住民並且該機關所在地的原住民人口比例為77% 時,原住民族消極代表指數為最佳消極代表。最後,基於研究發現,提出討論與政策意涵。透過本研究,除了可以彌補以往國內缺乏消極代表影響因素的探討之外,對於原住民族公務人員的甄補以及原漢之間的互動也有重要的啟示意義。


The Determinants of Indigenous People’s Passive Representation in Taiwan: An Analysis of the Indigenous Township Offices

Wen-hsueh Chen


Based on the theory of representative bureaucracy, this paper uses the data of 55 Indigenous Township Offices to explore the factors affecting the passive representation of the indigenous people in Taiwan. We adopt the Representative Index and Pitts Index to measure the indigenous communities’ passive representation of the Indigenous Township Offices. The findings show that the ethnicity of township head and the indigenous proportion of the population both affect the passive representation. Furthermore, the study finds the conditions of perfect passive representation of the indigenous people. In conclusion, we discuss the research implications and propose policy suggestions which might help the recruitment of indigenous civil servants and facilitate interactions between the indigenous minorities and the Han majority.

Keywords:  indigenous civil servants, indigenous region, democratic administration, representative bureaucracy, recruitment