




政府資訊公開法自二○○五年底公佈實施以來,相關改革常圍繞在保障人民知的權利、或導正官民間資訊不對稱等政治的課題上,在這樣氛圍之下,從「政府知識與資訊管理」(Government Knowledge and Information Management, KIM)面向的討論,往往被邊緣化了;在「保密vs.公開」的拉鋸戰中,政府忽略了與民間協力開發並應用(re-use)龐大公共資料的重要性,事實上,政府失去了創造並應用循證(evidence-based)改革知識,提升政府效能的機會。本文意圖從透明課責與循證公共管理的角度,以二○○八年的一項國科會資助的臺灣文官調查研究為起點,提出我國政府在資訊公開的積極應用面向上,應朝建構「臺灣文官調查資料庫(Taiwan Government Bureaucrat Survey, TGBS)」而努力。不論從管理實務與學術研究的角度來看,文官體制改革一直都是各國持續的關注焦點,雖然重要性比不上政治改革,但卻是臺灣政府追求民主治理績效的關鍵所在,需要有更新的方法來進行改革。本文首先介紹二○○八年所執行的臺灣文官調查,奠基於「全國公務人力資料庫」進行抽樣與問卷設計的運用經驗,並參考國內類似的跨年調查資料庫(例如臺灣選舉與民主化調查、臺灣地區社會變遷基本調查、臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫等),探討由本調查成果擴展為「臺灣文官調查資料庫」的可行性與其相關管理議題。在應用層面上,該資料庫的建構,可以在未來進行政府人力資源管理、以及更廣泛的公共行政與政策相關研究與實務議題的研究,進而提出具有循證基礎的資訊產出。最後,透過以上的探討,本文提出政府推動資訊公開政策一個重要且前瞻的方向,希冀從政府知識與資訊管理的角度,在資訊通訊科技快速發展的時代,引導政府人力資源管理邁向循證管理的積極路徑,以提升政府在變動劇烈的民主時代中,能有穩定且客觀的人力資源改革的知識來源。

[關鍵詞]: 政府資訊公開法、臺灣文官調查、循證公共管理、政府知識與資訊管理、人力資源管理

From Passive Avoidance to Proactive Application: A Proposal for Building Taiwan Government Bureaucrats Survey Database (TGBS) under the FOIA

Don-yun Chen, Naiyi Hsiao, Bennis So


Since the introduction in 2005 of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in Taiwan, researchers have mainly focused on people’s right to know and how to ease the problem of “information asymmetry” between government and citizenry. Not much attention was given to discussing the possible added value from the perspective of government knowledge and information management (KIM). Because of the preoccupation with the controversy over openness vs. secrecy, the government has not been able to develop and re-use government information to create useable and evidence-based managerial knowledge to improve government effectiveness. In this article, we use the 2008 Taiwan Government Bureaucrats Survey (TGBS) to illustrate the possible benefits of establishing Taiwan Government Human Resource Management Database. Some crucial reforms are needed to establish this kind of managerial database and some possible topics of research are discussed to show the potential benefits that will be created by the reform efforts to revitalize the effectiveness of our government.

Keywords:  freedom of information act (FOIA), Taiwan government bureaucrat survey (TGBS), evidence-based public management, government knowledge and information management (KIM), human resource management