




面對現今全球化知識經濟時代的到來,世界各國政府已從80年代前的福利導向國家轉化為競爭導向的國家(Fougaer, 2006),國與國之間的競合關係日益密切,各國政府如何統整與創造國家競爭策略與擘劃國家未來發展方向以迎接他國的挑戰,將是現今政府組織再造最重要的課題。也因如此,政府與政府間的戰爭已從傳統「硬實力」上的武力軍事、資源……等等的競爭,轉變為以「軟實力」為主像是在經濟、文化等層面上的較量,進而從世界經濟中獲取國家最大利益;而我國目前正處於整體產業與國家發展方向之關鍵轉型階段,為是否能朝先進國家邁進與提昇國民所得之重要時刻,但現今政府的思維與架構卻停滯不前,難以面對各國的挑戰與競爭,而具競爭力的政府必須擁有幾項特質:1.能快速反應內、外在的各項變化;2.組織各部會的規劃與功能要能徹底執行以發揮綜效;3.能清楚瞭解本國與主要競爭國家間之優劣勢;4.能依照其優劣來規劃出國家未來發展願景與競爭策略。



A study on organizational design of the “ministry of knowledge and policy development”: A View of strategic human resource and knowledge management

Peng An-Li, Hung Chung-Hao


This paper explores how to establish a “Department of Knowledge and Policy Development” from the perspective of knowledge management, so as to keep and apply the accumulated knowledge capital in every government department.  Through this Department, solutions can be designed quickly to solve problems encountered by the government. This Department is a trans-department organization which can integrate and apply all research and development by different sectors to the drafting, implementation, and modification for every policy. In addition, this Department introduces the organizational transformation that focuses on strategic human resources according to the need of Taiwan’s overall development strategies, integrates the human resources of public departments and government’s entire strategies, and reforms governmental organizations fundamentally. Thus, policy advancement and implementation could be more intact and efficient. Next, the governmental organizations with continuous competitive advantage would be established and serve as the foundation of Taiwan’s soft power. In this way, the unique characteristics of Taiwan and its non-replaceable position could be established amidst fierce international competition. The core issue that this paper discusses is how every department from the government masters and applies the knowledge so that the knowledge can have its greatest synergy – a synergy that can be used to plan the nation’s overall development strategy as well as to implement the national policy.

Keywords: sustainable competitive advantage, knowledge management, strategic human resource management