有鑑於公務人員人格發展在公共服務上極具重要性,本文分別從政府機關中與公務人員及公共服務有關的內、外在因素,進行剖析並釐清公務人員人格發展與公共服務的關係。內在因素係指政府 機關的組織文化、公務人員制度、行為規範、裁量行為;外在因素係指公民導向及外部環境。
本文透過內、外在因素的分析中發現,一般而言,公共服務與公務人員人格發展彼此關係密切,並呈現正向相關。即當提昇公務人員人格發展時,公共服務效果跟著提高;當公共服務效果提高時,公務人員人格發展亦隨之提昇。反之亦然。因此,為提高公共 服務的效果,改善公共服務並提昇公務人員人格發展應是政府施政的重要課題。
[關鍵詞]:公共服務、公務人員人格發展、組織文化、公民導向、 公共利益
Personality Development of Civil Servants and Public Service
Ming-Hua Tsai
“Service” rather than “steering” is the catchword for government role in public service nowadays. From what we know about human nature, a civil servant’s personality and its development are critical to government service. The ability and behavior of civil servants would also be improved by developing their personality and that, in return, would better serve public interests.
In view of the importance of personality development of civil servants, this article is devoted to analyzing the relationship between personality development and public service from several standpoints before coming to several important conclusions.
Normally the personality of civil servants will positively interact with public service. That is to say, the better civil servants develop their personality, the better they will serve the public. On the other way round, the better public service is, the better public servants will develop their personality, and vice versa. Therefore, in order to maximize public interests, improving public service and developing the personality of civil servants are two key issues on which the government should focus.
Keywords: public service, the personality development of civil servants, organizational culture, citizen guidance, public interests