




考績制度的運作困境和改革方向,近年來引起實務界和學術界熱烈的討論與爭辯。其中最為人所訾議的,就是考績制度的運作根本與績效管理精神相違,反而「論資排輩」才是公務人員績效考評的決定因素。然而卻沒有相關研究同時處理考績制度運作的實證面 與規範面問題。有鑑於此,本文將要回答以下幾個核心的問題,包括年資因素(norm of seniority)是否為影響考評的重要因素?年資因素是否應該作為考評指標?以及年資因素為何會演變為考評的替 代標準(proxy standard)。

在實證面上,本研究主要運用訪談法和統計分析法,探討過去八十四年至九十七年間中央政府公務人員的考績等次與年資相關因素(包括新進與否、服務年資、官等及職等)的關連性,研究證實年資確為影響考績的重要變數。接著,本研究從政府績效環境的本質、考核者有限理性的決策能力以及受考核者存有代際正義觀點等三面向,探討長官和部屬之間在考績互動上,存在不完全契約 (incomplete contract)的問題,使得兩者皆依賴年資這類非正式規則(informal rules)作為公正考評的替代標準,於是造成公部門考績制度運作的困境。

至於如何建構更加公平客觀的考績制度?本研究認為,唯有透 過扭轉當前考績制度所形塑的誘因結構,也就是在未來制度設計上強化考績資訊的「分辨」機制、建立「誘因相容」(incentive compatibility)且能自我執行(self-enforcing)的機制,以及建構使考核者將代理成本內部化的制度環境,才能回應實務界亟待提升的政府效能。


Norm of Seniority or Performance Appraisal?  An Analysis of the Performance Appraisal System (PAS) in Taiwanese Public Sector

Don-Yun Chen, Kung-Chih Su, Yu-Chin Chien, Shiu-Ting Chen


How to reform the Performance Appraisal System (PAS) in Taiwan’s civil service has been hotly debated in recent years. One of the reasons is that the current PAS is not based on objective indicators but rather on informal norms, such as the norm of seniority. In this paper, the authors will use evidence-based approach to answer the following two questions: Is seniority a critical factor for the PAS that has diminished other factors? What role should the norm of seniority play in the PAS?

In this paper, the authors will use two principle research methods. One is to analyze a dataset from the Examination Yuan to answer the first question of the influence of seniority on the practice of the PAS in Taiwan. Also, face-to-face interviews were utilized to answer the second question of what kind of a role of the norm of seniority should play in the PAS.

Lastly, this paper will inform those who are concerned with the reform of Taiwan’s PAS in three ways. First this paper presents an evidence-based argument on how the seniority norm is influencing the PAS. Second, the information provided by this paper will have various practical implications for the future reform of the PAS. Lastly, the result of this research can be as a base for further research on the function of informal rules in the PAS in particular, and on the effectiveness of the PAS in general.

Keywords: Performance Appraisal System (PAS), norm of seniority, evidence-based public administration, informal rules