我國獨立行政機關權力分立 與行政組織法之觀察
「獨立行政機關」制度在國外已行之有年,但在我國則係新興議題。獨立行政機關乃係代表「專家」角色的行政權中「更具專業」的角色,這樣的「專家中的專家」,可能造成「權力分立的失衡」、「行政一體與責任政治的破壞」以及「行政監督與獨立空間的衝突」等問題。為釐清獨立行政機關的輪廓,本文乃以憲法「權 力分立」的視野及「行政組織法」的相關法律爭議來探討之。
An Observation of the Separation of Powers in Taiwan’s Independent Administrative Authorities and the Administrative Organizations Act
Lian-Wei Hsu
Independent administrative authorities in other countries have been in existence for years, but in Taiwan this is something new. The independent Regulatory Commission's role of “insisting on professionalism” in the administrative power represents the “expert” role. Such an “expert of all experts” or elitist mentality may throw the separation of powers off balance, damage the unitary executive theory and politics of accountability, and create a conflict between administrative supervision and independent execution of administrative duties. This article discusses relevant issues from the constitutional perspective of “separation of powers” and the administrative organizations act.
Keywords: independent administrative authority, separation of powers, unitary executive theory, J.Y. Interpretation No.613, spoils system