本文基於三項論點來探討顧客導向的社會行銷思維。第一個論點是社會行銷的顧客思維導源於消費者主義與全面品質管理的觀念。第二個論點從社會行銷性質的剖析,論述產品導向與生產導向的組織中心思維,無法有效改變標的團體行為的謬思所在。第三個論點為基於所有社會行銷的決定都必須從顧客的思維來考量,引證Jerome E. McCarthy(1968)的「4P」到Don E. Schultz、Stanley I. Tannenbaum與Robert F. Lauterborn(1992)「4C」,以及跨越世紀後C. Dev與D. Schultz(2005)的「SIVA」,說明社會行銷的顧客思維的轉變與實質內涵,做為進一步形塑具市場導向(market driven)、傾聽顧客心聲,竭盡所能尋找可能的方法,協助標的團體,排除競爭行為的壓力,改變行為,改變社會的有效途徑。
The Customer Mindset of Social Marketing
Po-Woun Lin
This paper discusses the customer mindset of social marketing from three points of view. The first is that the customer mindset derives from consumerism and total quality management. The second viewpoint explains the myth that product-oriented and production-oriented organization centered mindset cannot change the behavior of the target group. The third is that the right mindset of social marketing should be an attempt to meet the customer’s needs. The conclusion emphasizes the importance that the 4P mix should shift from production orientation to customer orientation, and use the 4C and SIVA to transform the model.
Keywords: customer orientation, organization centered, consumer movement, 4C, SIVA