

台北市節能減碳政策之研究: 以政策行銷角度分析



公部門服務的主要目標在於創造公共價值,公共政策制定過程 重視民眾的偏好選擇,是民主社會基本價值之所在。因此,公共政策的執行除了強調政策方案制定的合理性與課責性外,政府主動積 極地「行銷」政策,以贏得民眾對其認同,亦十分重要。本文將以公部門政策行銷概念為面向,分析近年來台北市政府節能減碳政策 推動之過程。主要目的在了解台北市政府的政策行銷作為,對其節 能減碳成果的可能影響。透過文獻分析並佐以訪談內容後發現,未 來台北市政府在節能減碳政策的推行上,對民眾的倡導和教育是行 銷政策成敗的關鍵,並應藉由與民間團體良好的互動,共同達成節能減碳生活化的目標。


A Study of Taipei City’s Policies for Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction: Policy Marketing Perspective

Rong-Yang Huang , Yao-Ting Hsieh


The fundamental value of a democratic society in the policy making process has always been the preferences of the general public. Therefore, the implementation of policy means not only the pursuit of rationality and accountability, but also the necessity of “marketing” its policies vigorously in order to gain support from the public. This paper uses a policy marketing perspective to analyze the processes of the Taipei City Government’s drive for energy-saving and carbon reduction. The main purpose of this research is determining if these marketing actions facilitate the output of energy-saving and carbon reduction policies. After empirical analysis and interviews, it concludes that the informing/educating approach would be the best way for governments to promote relevant environmental policies. Also, a better interaction with some partner groups may facilitate the obtaining of the goal of low carbon-emission life.

Keywords: policy marketing, energy-saving and carbon reduction, greenhouse gas emissions, Taipei City Government