




本文主要在介紹政府行銷的內涵,並探討政府部門如何有效運 用行銷來滿足顧客需要,達成施政目標。顧客導向是行銷的核心理 念,對政府來講,民眾就是顧客。政府應推動民眾導向的施政,站 在民眾的立場去思考和執行各項施政方案。

策略性政府行銷管理的流程包括確定施政方案目的、進行情勢 分析、選擇目標群體、設定行銷目標、發展行銷組合方案、執行與 評估績效等六個步驟,本文分別檢視了每一個步驟的內容。

行銷組合包括產品、價格、通路及推廣等決策。「產品」是指 可提供給民眾用以滿足某種民眾需要的任何東西或提供物。「價 格」代表民眾付出的成本或代價,政府可運用貨幣性誘因、貨幣性 懲罰、非貨幣性誘因與非貨幣性懲罰等價格工具來鼓勵民眾配合和 支持政府的施政。「通路」是指民眾取得政府各項產品的管道或途徑,政府應設計多元而便捷的通路,方便民眾取得政府提供的產品。「推廣」是一種溝通,政府要運用整合性的行銷溝通,讓民眾 知曉、相信、喜愛並樂予支持政府的施政。

為善用外部資源,政府需要發揮創意,分別與私營企業、非營利組織和其他政府機構組成策略聯盟,形成策略夥伴關係,俾能更 有效地服務顧客,達成施政目標。


Marketing for the Government: Concepts and Practices

Jun-Ying Huang


The article aims mainly at introducing the proper way to go about doing marketing in the public sector. It also discusses the appropriate marketing approaches and tools that can be applied to government agencies to improve their performances in solving the problems of their target customers.

The strategic government marketing management process consists of six steps, including deciding the purpose, conducting situation analysis, selecting target customer groups, choosing specific objectives, developing marketing mix decisions, and implementing and evaluating performances. Each of the six steps is examined in the article.

The marketer’s task is to design integrated marketing activities to create, communicate, and deliver value for carefully selected target customers. The marketing activities are usually classified as marketing mix of four broad categories, or 4Ps of marketing, i.e., product, price, place, and promotion. Government marketers need to make appropriate marketing-mix decisions for satisfying and influencing their target customers. Each of the four Ps of marketing is also discussed in the article.

With a view to making the best use of outside resources, government marketers need to form strategic alliances with private businesses, nonprofit organizations, and other government agencies. They need to give creative ideas of finding strategic partners.

Keywords: government marketing, customer orientation, marketing mix, strategic alliance