




本文主要運用參與治理觀點,剖析建成圓環再生計畫失敗的原 因。在計畫推動過程中,政府皆依法舉行說明會,並與業者、當地 居民進行意見交換,冀望藉由公私部門相互合作,產生綜效。豈 料,開幕不久,便因商家生意不佳,而結束營業。

據此,本文將由參與落差角度,探討該項計畫何以未能達成預 期目標?首先說明參與治理的意涵與影響因素的重要性,其次,經由建成圓環的文獻分析與前測訪談,初步得知產生政策落差的四大 主因:政府自主性與商議能力、建築商所持的理念、公民參與能力 與心態以及說明會制度的功能,並以此作為研究架構的影響因素, 同時設計訪談提綱與八位政策利害關係人進行訪談。最後,運用質化分析套裝軟體,針對訪談結果進行分析,提出結論。

研究結果顯示:(1)依法行政侷限政府的自主性與商議能力, 雖然符合程序精神,卻無法發揮政府的實質效能;(2)說明會僅發揮告知與徵詢民意的片面功能,無法具體回應民眾的需求;(3)政府與建築團隊所持理念主導改建計畫,以致疏忽最終使用者的需 求;(4)公民參與政策因欠缺專業知識,無法提升治理能力,又往 往淪為民粹,一味反對專家的意見。由於上述四項主因交互影響, 導致建成圓環再生計畫失敗。


Identifying Factors of the Fiasco of the Jian-Chen Roundabout Regeneration Project: Participatory Governance Perspective

Hen-Chin Chen , Wei-Chien Luang


The main purpose of this paper is to apply the perspective of participatory governance to explore the fiasco of Jian-Chen Roundabout regeneration project. During the process of regeneration, Taipei City Government convenes the public meetings in accordance with the law. However, the policy still failed. Therefore, this paper plans to analyze the gap between policy intention and policy outcomes.

This paper first of all explores the theory of participatory governance. Secondary, using documentary analysis and interviews with the main stakeholders, the results point out four causes for participation gap and its significant factors. Besides, it also applies the core concepts to design the outline of the interview. Finally, the paper uses the software of MAXQDA to explain the results of in-depth interviews.

The findings in terms of participatory gap can be summarized as follows: (1) the rule of law limits the autonomy and the ability of government negotiation; (2) the institution of public meetings cannot promote the substance of participatory governance; (3) experts and technocrats cannot appreciate the importance of citizen participation; and (4) the capacity of participatory governance of citizens needs to be upgraded.

Keywords: Jian-Chen Roundabout, participatory governance, participatory gap, citizen participation