我國政府在廉潔與能力上皆面臨嚴重考驗之際,公共服務人員是否兼具道德能力和專業技術能力成為廉能政府得否實現之鎖鑰。因此,本文透過 Bowman 等人所建構的技能三角和Dobel提出的判斷三角來顯示,公共服務人員的核心能力不僅止於專業技術能力,更應廣及道德能力與實踐智慧,而將它們視為廉能政府的核心職能。唯在廉潔的實踐上,勢必會面對多元價值的困境,如何在多元價值之中,建立以公共信任為基本使命的施政藍圖,則是努力的方向。再者,在廉與能若無法兼得之下,其邏輯思考如何?何者在前,何者在後?Kouzes與Posner的實證分析、美國行政倫理守則的內涵、Covey 與Merrill 的信任理論皆揭示了,在「道德能力為本、專業技術能力為輔」的前提下,追求廉能政府的實現較為可行。
Theoretical Implications of a Clean Government
Chung-Yi Lin, Ruei-Feng Wang
Our government faces serious challenges on maintaining integrity and competence. Public officials who have moral competence and professional skill are the cornerstone of a clean government. For this reason, the core competence of public officials should not confine to professional skill, but extend to moral competence and prudence. According to James S. Bowman et al. viewpoints, the professional edge must contain the skills triangle: technical competencies, leadership competencies, and ethical competencies. Furthermore, while J. Patrick Dobel discussing public integrity, triangle of judgment would compass the legal-institutional model, the personal responsibility model, and the effectiveness or implementation model.
However, in applying moral competence, we encounter the ethical dilemma. Building public trust in the public service is our direction of governmental operation. But, when integrity and competence are not compatible, which sway first priority in logic of concern is the issue of decision making. Kouzes & Posner’s empirical study, implication of administrative ethical codes in America, and Covey & Merrill’s trust theory imply that the realization of a clean government depends on moral competence at first and then professional skill.
Keywords: public trust, skills triangle, judgment triangle, ethical triangle, ethical dilemma