

標題 建構多合一法律專業資格考試之研究
研究年度(民國年) 110 研究主持人 王韻茹
撰稿人 參加人數
專案會議 研究方式 自行研究(機關預算)
研究經費 299420 研究機構 國立中正大學法律學系
中文關鍵字 法律專業資格考試、國家考試、律師考試與訓練、司法官考試與訓練、公務人員考試與訓練、實務學習、職業養成教育
英文關鍵字 Law professional qualification examination, National examination, Bar examination and training, Judicial officers examination and training, Civil service examination and training, Practical learning, Professional cultivation training
中文摘要 在司法改革國是會議結論下,開始推動的法律專業資格考試改革規劃。試圖整合現行分散的考試與訓練,目標是建立一體性的法律專業考試與訓練,達成相同的法律專業品質與程度。對於在社會部門、政府部門以及司法部門執行法律專業之人員,要求其能提供相同專業程度的法律服務,使得法治國得以在每個部門加以實現,也使得法律專業受信賴,並得以提升法律專業人員之地位。
英文摘要 Following the conclusion of the Judicial Reform Conference, the reform plan for law professional qualification examination has been launched. It attempts to integrate the current incongruent examination and training with the goal of constructing a consolidated examination and training to achieve the identical level and quality of law professionals. Specifically, the reform plan requires law professionals serving in social departments, government agencies, and judicial offices to provide legal services of the same professional level. This ensures that the rule of law can be implemented in every department, which hopefully will gain more trust for the law profession as well as promote the status of law professionals.
This research project provides assessment and recommendations for reform plan by referring to the integrated process of thorough legal education and training in Germany as its system is designed for the purpose of cultivating the identical legal professional level.
First of all, this article argues that since the law professional qualification examination contains tests designed for judges, prosecutors, lawyers, and civil servants of the legal system, the examination should be regulated through a special law and be in compliance with the principle of legal reservation. Secondly, the research provides evaluation and suggestions for the planning of the first stage of the law professional qualification examination with respect to the qualification of examinees, the examination subjects, and acceptance criteria. Thirdly, for the planning of the second stage which covers the selection of professional domain diversion and professional cultivation training, this research suggests that the fairness of the selection process must be considered and the content of the professional cultivation training must be integrated with the practical learning of the first stage. Lastly, concerning the feasibility of including other legal professionals in the first stage of the law professional qualification examination in the future, given the requirements of the law profession and the content of the job, it is recommended that administrative executive officers, notaries, and private notaries could be included.