

標題 公務人力高齡化的人力資源管理對策
研究年度(民國年) 107 研究主持人 董祥開
撰稿人 參加人數
專案會議 2018 研究方式 自行研究(機關預算)
研究經費 299800 研究機構 國立政治大學公共行政學系
中文關鍵字 公務人力高齡化、人力資源管理、工作士氣、世代差異
英文關鍵字 In recent years, the “aging” issue has drawn people’s attention in the society. As the pension reform come into force in Taiwan, it is believed that a majority of public employees will stay in the workforce for a much longer period. This study aims at finding the impacts of aging on different aspects of human resource management in the public sector. Prior research indicates that an aging workforce may affect the organizations from two perspectives. Firstly, employees’ work motivation may be affected because it takes longer for the current public employees to be promoted than their supervisors used to be. Such a phenomenon may reduce public employees’ work motivation and satisfaction. Secondly, an aging workforce means people from different generations need to work together longer, and, at the same time, the age differences will be larger than before. Such generation gaps might lead to more leadership and managerial quarrels or conflicts. If the government failed to react promptly to the aforementioned problems, these “quiet crises” may generate negative impacts on government performance. This study examines the strategies used by different countries regarding these matters and adopts the in-depth interview and focus group approach to explore the possibilities of applying these strategies in Taiwan. Policy and managerial suggestions are discussed in this study.
中文摘要 近年來高齡化的議題逐漸受到社會關注與重視,在年金改革後公務人員在職時間將逐步延長,本研究主要針對公務人力高齡化的情況及其對人力資源管理之影響進行探討。過去研究指出,公務人力高齡化主要會對組織造成兩個層面的影響,首先是個人工作動機的部分,因退休時間延後、職位開放趨緩,公務人員將可能面臨陞遷速度較過去緩慢的問題,倘若無完善陞遷機制及有效激勵措施,人才流動受阻及工作士氣低落的情況將更明顯。其次是組織管理部分,在高齡化影響下,公部門中三代同堂的現象會日益嚴重,各世代公務人員不僅看事情角度有所不同,對於事情的處理方式亦不盡相同,容易產生領導與溝通的問題,若未能及時解決可能會對組織文化及組織績效產生負面影響。本研究除透過文獻檢閱的方式,盱衡各國政府針對公務人力高齡化問題所採行的措施以茲作為人力資源規劃之借鑑外,亦透過深度訪談以及焦點座談等兩種方法,了解不同作法在我國公部門實行的可行性。最後本研究重新審視我國公部門人力資源管理之內涵,針對選才、用才、育才、留才等面向提出建議。
英文摘要 Aging in Civil Service, Human Resource Management, Work Motivation, Generation Gap