

標題 創新治理下文官策略性執行力之研究
研究年度(民國年) 99 研究主持人 陳暉淵
撰稿人 參加人數
專案會議 2010 研究方式 自行研究(機關預算)
研究經費 研究機構 中國文化大學
中文關鍵字 創新治理, 策略性執行力, 高級文官制度, 知識長
英文關鍵字 Innovation Governance, Strategic Execution, Senior Civil Service, Chief Knowledge Officer
中文摘要 本研究從創新的概念出發,整合在治理的大架構下,初步嘗試建構「創新治理」的思想內涵,並結合策略性的思考,探討創新治理下文官執行力的發展軌跡。透過理論的發展、實例經驗的分析、文獻的探討與焦點團體座談的互動意見,本研究歸納出若干焦點,並以「質性構面」的方式呈現。這些分析構面圍繞在創新治理的大架構下,分別代表:(1)角色:高級文官為主力;(2)策略:民意導向下的政策行銷;(3)執行:公私協力下的資源整合平台;(4)界線:跨域互動的服務傳輸。經由這些構面的分析,本研究理解到:文官策略性執行力的概念是競爭性的,也是第四代政策執行模式的未來延伸內涵;政府的行銷活動更須強調民意的重要性,以及考量政策利害相關人的需求;從資源整合的角度及跨域的互動下,強化公私協力來協助公部門創新策略的執行。本研究提出若干政策上的建議,包含:建構「高級文官團」制度、增設各部會「知識長」職務、設置「創新治理基金」及其運作機制、成立「創新服務中介」組織、以及強化各「跨區域首長會議」及設置「跨區域經理人」職務等。期望公部門在創新治理的過程中,能內蘊競爭的策略,以發揮政府施政的效率和效能,強化政策的落實機制,提升政府的競爭力。
英文摘要 From the perspective of innovation, and integrated into the large-scale framework of governance, this study attempts to build up the initial concept of innovation governance with strategic thinking in order to explore the execution of civil servants. Through the developments of the relevant theories and cases, the literature review, and the opinions of the focus group interviewing, this study concludes that some qualitative dimensions for a successful understanding of the strategic execution of civil servants are present: (1) Role: the Senior Civil Service as the main force; (2) Strategy: public opinions-oriented policy marketing; (3) Implementation: resource-based integrated platform under public-private collaboration; (4) Boundary: service delivery under cross-boundary interaction. Based on the analysis of these dimensions, findings of this study are summarized as follows: first, the concept of strategic execution of civil servants is competitive, and it is the fourth generation of the further extension of policy implementation model; second, government marketing activities have to emphasize the importance of public opinions, and consider the needs of policy stakeholders; third, from the perspectives of resource integration and cross-boundary interaction, strengthening the public-private collaboration efforts should be made to assist the implementation of innovative strategies. Finally, a number of policy recommendations are proposed, as this study suggests the government institute the “Senior Civil Service,” establish the “Chief Knowledge Officer” position in ministries, set up the “Innovation Governance Fund” and its operation mechanism, organize the “Innovation Service Intermediary,” strengthen the “Cross-Regional Meeting of Heads,” and set up the “Cross-Regional Manager” position. This study also expects that the public sector, in the process of innovation governance, would advance the efficiency and effectiveness of public administration with competitive strategies, enhancing national competitiveness.

近年來,學術界及實務界常使用「創新體系」(Innovation System)概念來說明生產者與使用者在科技建制和生產體系中的互動關係,並強調生產體系創新能力的重要地位。創新體系運用在公部門及私部門會產生不同的運作內涵與績效成果:私營企業的創新會影響到該企業價值鏈上下游的廠商,以及該企業所處的產業環境;但公部門的創新則會直接影響到人民的福祉以及國家競爭優勢。是以,世界各國為了增強國家競爭力,維持競爭優勢,就必須不斷的利用各種方法來提升競爭意識,再造創新組織,引進新的科技,以及強化創新力的訓練等等。因此,基於公部門的面向,及奠基在創新體系的論述下,本研究的研究動機企圖結合「治理」的相關概念,來初步建構「創新治理」(Innovation Governance)的思想內涵,探討理論的發展與分析若干實例經驗。一方面,希望公部門在治理的過程中,能內蘊競爭的策略,以提升政府施政的效率和效能,強化政策落實機制;另一方面,創新治理的重要關鍵是文官執行能力的展現,希望透過策略性的執行力強化,以提升政府的競爭力。