




近年來因為資通訊科技(Information Communications Technologies, ICTs)的進步,以及巨量、開放且相互鏈結與的資料(big and open linked data, BOLD)之發展,啟發了政府數位治理(digital governance)的新思維。因應循證公共政策(evidence-based public policy)所提倡之政府施政需以資料驅動的思維,在數位治理的概念下政府部門在資料的管理上更需要革命性的改變,資料治理(data governance)的需求與發展已日趨重要,但從我國推動服務型智慧政府相關計畫來看,政府部門目前對於資料治理的概念仍不夠清楚,也缺乏整體的推動策略。

本文首先整理國外政府與學界針對資料治理的定義,以資料生命週期管理(Data Lifecycle Management, DLM)及創新擴散的角度解讀資料治理,並彙整政府部門推動資料治理所面臨的難題。其次透過深度訪談接觸了12位中央與地方政府官員及專家學者,分別從政策面、組織面、人員面、法規面與技術面深入瞭解政府部門推動資料治理的現況與關鍵因素,探討中央部會與地方機關在推行資料治理時所面臨的挑戰與困難。研究發現主管機關並未充分溝通資料治理的意涵,也較聚焦於政策執行面而非政策規劃面,此與國外文獻與實務案例指出資料治理應朝向整體策略規劃的方向努力較為不同。基此,本文也試圖結合DLM的觀點,給出政府部門未來落實資料治理的相關政策建議。


The Core Concept of Service-oriented Smart Government: Challenges and Strategies of Government Data Governance

Lo-Wei Lee, Pin-Yu Chu


Following the development of information communications technologies and big and open linked data, the most recent trend of digital governance is government innovation and data governance. In order to explore how the government can shape its data governance strategies in response to the trend of digital governance, we first review literature regarding the international movement of government data governance, interpret data governance from the perspective of Data Lifecycle Management and the diffusion of public sector innovations. Also, we interview 12 senior civil servants, government CIOs, and scholars to understand factors affecting the implementation of data governance and explore the challenges and difficulties faced by the central ministries and local governments in implementing data governance. According to our research results, we found that government agencies did not fully understand the meaning of data governance, and focused more on policy implementation rather than policy planning, which is quite different from the results of the literature review. Therefore, we try to offer some policy suggestions for government agencies based on the five challenges of implementing data governance presented in this study.

Keywords: data governance, open government, government open data, digital governance