




本文以文獻分析法,運用公共政策理論及行政法學概念,探討客家基本法之制定(2010年)與修正(2018年),獲致:1.客家基本法之制定與修正,與政策窗開啟(政治流的變化),密切相關。2. 2010年客家基本法以客家族群「集體權」保障為主,2018年客家基本法,將「個人權利」保障機制入法,並實施客語為國家語言、通行語言、教學語言。3. 2018年客家基本法建構出多元的客家政策工具,並以「客語」的保存及推廣為法制建設重心。此外,探索客家文化在「精神」、「物質」、「智力」、「情感」等特徵之總和,應為下一階段法制建設的重心。



Legislation and Development of Hakka Basic Act: An Analysis of Act’s Amendments in 2018

Pao-Chien Wang 


The essay employs the literature review method as well as theories on public policy and administrative law to examine the legislation and amendment of the Hakka Basic Act in 2010 and 2018. The main findings include: 1. A policy window was open for legislating and amending the Hakka Basic Act. 2. The Hakka Basic Act 2010 focuses on promoting the collective rights of the Hakka ethnic group; then, the amended Act introduces the personal rights protection mechanism and implements Hakka language as a national language, regional language, and teaching language. 3. The Hakka Basic Act builds various policy instruments to revive the Hakka language, seeking in the next stage to promote a set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of Hakka culture.

Keywords:  Hakka Basic Act, Hakka language, policy window