




我國在2009年6月10日總統令公布制定公務人員行政中立法,從1994年12月30日首次送請立法院審議算起,共歷時14年半,但法案通過後相關疑義並沒有停止。究竟我們通過的是一部什麼樣的中立法?何以有許多學者認為只有「政治中立」(political neutrality),沒有「行政中立」(administrative neutrality)的問題。再者,究竟那些人應該中立?如何中立?在中立法中似乎都找不到完整的答案。





Revisiting the Issue of Political Neutrality vs. Administrative Neutrality? Past Choices and Future Development

Chung-Yung Hsiung


Since the Civil Service Administrative Neutrality Act was enacted in 2009, debates have been going on about its application. This paper aims to show the deficiencies of the Act and then provide suggestions for its improvement.

After reviewing the historical literature, the author found that the original purpose of the Act is to ensure that the civil servants execute duties in accordance with the law and regulations, that they do so in a just manner and that they will be protected from political intervention when doing their jobs. Therefore, the norms of political activities were not the primary consideration. That’s a significant difference from the western democracies. That is to say, we established the administrative neutrality mechanism based on our own practical needs, but not taking reference from the experience of western countries.

The author also found that the competent authority of the act--Ministry of Civil Service--thought political appointees, teachers, judges and soldiers should maintain neutrality while executing duties; as for how exactly to maintain administrative neutrality, that could be regulated in other acts. Finally, in keeping with the democratic development, the author suggests revising the Act in such a way as to make the norms of political activities the main body of the Act.

Keywords:  administrative neutrality, political neutrality, rule of law, just execution, norms of political activity