




隨著女性主義的思潮發展,性別議題也在組織研究與人力資源管理的領域中逐漸獲得重視。學者Mary Guy曾將阻礙女性在組織中發展的困境歸納為玻璃天花板、玻璃牆、黏糊地板與地板暗門等四種現象,而本文也試圖從甄選任用、培育訓練、升遷發展及職場生活等四個面向,討論在我國公部門人力資源管理的系絡中,這些阻礙女性事業生涯發展的現象是以何種形式呈現,並提出處理的對策。本文發現,包括玻璃天花板、玻璃牆、黏糊地板與地板暗門等 四種女性職場發展的障礙都存在於我國公部門組織中,而筆者也建議應透過更積極的作為促使組織結構之改變,有效地移除妨礙女性 在公部門組織中生涯發展之障礙。


Gender Issues and Suggestions for Public Personnel Administration: An Analysis of Organizational Architecture Model

Huan-Jung Huang, Kai-Hung Fang, Chih-Heng Tsai


With the development of feminism, researchers have been paying more and more attention to gender issues in organizational studies and human resources management. Mary Guy used metaphors such as glass ceilings, glass walls, sticky floors, and trap doors to describe the barriers on the way of woman’s career advancement. Based on the dimensions such as recruiting, training, promotion, and retaining, this paper intends to see whether barriers identified by Guy exist in Taiwan’s public personnel management, and how these barriers could be removed. It is found that barriers including glass ceilings, glass walls, sticky floors, and trap doors can all be found in Taiwan’s public organizations. As a result, this paper recommends that more proactive measures be applied to restructuring the organizations in order to remove the barriers that prevent woman’s career advancement in public institutions.

Keywords: gender issues, organizational architecture, glass ceiling, sexual discrimination, gender mainstreaming