

中央與地方政府對地方人事制度 的視框衝突



地方制度法自一九九九年一月二十五日公布施行迄今已逾十年,開啟我國地方自治的新局面。惟就人事制度而言,我國自威權轉型以來,中央政府對於地方人事制度仍持威權體制時期一條鞭式的管制心態;地方政府則基於民選地方行政首長實踐政策承諾之必要性、人事制度之因地制宜、地方首長人事權之完整性、地方機關職務列等偏低等理由為立論基礎,一方面希冀另訂地方公務員法以為解決之道;另一方面,又希望中央與地方公務人員能夠適度交流,其間所生矛盾弔詭的情形等,均導致中央與地方政府對地方人 事制度產生嚴重的視框衝突。因此,本文試圖就問題現況、歷史系絡及國外相關制度加以分析,歸納我國中央及地方政府對地方人事制度之視框衝突,並試圖參酌治理與民主行政等相關理論進行視框批判,以探究我國是否有另訂地方公務員法制之必要,提供後續可行方向。


Frame Conflict on Local Personnel Systems between Central and Local Government

Yen-Ju Lee


Promulgated on January 25, 1999, Taiwan’s Local Government Act has been enforced for more than a decade, ushering local self-government into a new era. After authoritarian transformation of our country, the central government still holds an authoritative attitude, coming from “one-whip” control system toward the local personnel system. The local government, staffed by the elected officials, however argued for its independence of personnel system based on the need to fulfill its policy promises, flexibility of local personnel system, comprehensive power of appointment and employing, and the low ranking of personnel system in local government. The local government therefore calls for the legislation of the Local Civil Service Act on one hand, while on the other hoping that the public employees of central and local governments can be rotated or transferred to a moderate degree. This paradox leads to a serious frame conflict between the central and local government personnel systems. This article attempts to analyze the current situation, the historical context and the related institutions of other countries so as to summarize the reasons for frame conflict between the central and local authorities. In addition, based on governance and the democratic administration theories, the author offers a critical point of view on frame conflict to explore whether our country has to pass the Local Civil Service Act while at the same time providing some clues for further research.

Keywords: frame conflict, “one-whip” system, governance, democratic administration