

行銷型政府的治理模式: 政策行銷與政策網絡整合的觀點



基於當前社會急遽變遷、行政人員轉變為服務導向以及公民參 與觀念提升等因素,政府部門採取適當的行銷策略與方法,凝聚民 眾共識,可有效利用資源,改善生產力,並增加政策執行成功的機 率,達成為民眾謀福利的目標。由公共部門所推動的行銷活動,遂 愈趨普遍。本文採用文獻分析法,首先從行銷的概念引介政策行銷 的內涵,包括定義、功能、原則、行動者、工具、環境、模式;其次引介羅德斯(Rhodes)的政策網絡理論,繼而以政府的治理模式為基礎,整合政策行銷與政策網絡理論,建構涵蓋靜態與動態面的 行銷型政府治理模式。


The Governance Model of Marketing Government: The Synthetic Perspective of Policy Marketing and Policy Network

Ben-Chu Sun , Yueh-Pang Fu


Policy marketing activities have become increasingly common currently. This essay first introduces the concept of policy marketing in terms of definition, function, principle, actor, tool, environment and model. Second, it introduces the concept of policy network argued by R. A. W. Rhodes. Lastly, it constructs the governance model of marketing government with static and dynamic dimension that include by the theoretical synthesis of policy marketing and policy network through literature analysis.

Keywords: marketing government, policy marketing, policy network