



《摘要》人力資源管理研究領域近年來積極倡議重視人力資本的影響 性,此與組織人口學有其諸多近似性,認為組織內部人力資源眾多 個人特性與背景所構成的整體性圖像,對員工行為或態度可能更具 影響力。現有文獻上鮮少對政府部門狀況進行系統性和長期變化性 的分析,本文聚焦於年齡結構,分析二○○一至二○○八年間全國 行政機關和衛生醫療機關非醫事人力的公務人員變化狀況,細分為 全國、一般行政部門簡薦委公務人力、警察官人力和各級政府行政 部門等四類說明之。最後部分根據前述的事實發現,討論其對幾個 人事政策與管理,以及民主治理面向上的重大意涵,供有興趣研究 者或主管機關進一步思考因應對策。


The Changing Age of Civil Servants in the Administrative Service Branch in Taiwan and Its Implications for Public Personnel Policies
Jay N. Shih
The impact of human capital on organizational performance has been increasingly advocated by the human resource management research community. The similar argument can be also found in the theory of organizational demography which suggests many important employees’ characteristics, such as age, education, experience etc., collectively will provide more explanatory power for employee behaviors than other organizational factors. The literature however has not included many efforts for investigating the demographic trend in the public sector. This paper focuses on the age dimension of civil servants in the administrative service in Taiwan. It analyzes the current status and the trend from 2001 to 2008 by four categories. Based upon the result, this paper finally raises several important issues related to public personnel policies and democratic governance for further discussions.
Keywords: organizational demography, age, civil servants, policemen