




本文乃從設計評估的觀點,分析考試院研議之「公務人員考績 法」及「公務人員考績法施行細則」修正草案有關丙等之規定,是 否符合一般法律的原理原則,以及能否符應 William N. Dunn 政策推 介之六個選擇標準。結果指出,考列丙等規範之法律位階有違反法 律保留原則之虞、規範考列丙等之要件不夠明確、考列丙等應踐行 之正當法律程序及救濟制度未盡周延,並且考列丙等人數設百分之 二的門檻限制,在實務運作上將窒礙難行。根據上述分析結果,本 文提出應以明確的考列丙等要件取代百分之二限制、考績丙等要件 應規範在法律位階、辦理考績丙等過程應踐行正當行政程序,及不 服考績丙等處分,無論係首年或連續二年者,均應許提起行政爭訟 等建議,以供考試院未來進一步修正前述草案之參考。

[關鍵字]:設計評估、政策推介、考績制度、法律保留原則、正當法 律程序

Assessing the Design of the Performance-C Rating System for Civil Servants in Taiwan

Jong H. Huang, Chien-Hung Lin


The study tries to review the proposed amendments to the “Civil Service Performance Evaluation Act” and its enforcement rules which the Examination Yuan has drafted, particularly those dealing with the Performance-C Rating. From the design-evaluation perspective, the study aims to clarify if the new regulations meet the general principles of appropriate laws and correspond closely to the six selection criteria specified in the model of policy recommendation by William N. Dunn. The research results can be outlined as follows. First of all, the proposed provisions of performance-C-Rating run the risk of violating the legal reservation principle. Second, the conditions leading to a C-performance rating are not sufficiently specified. Third, due process of law and the grievance-redressing system to be invoked and executed when rendering performance evaluation are far from thorough or comprehensive. In addition, imposing a limit of two percent of the workforce as qualified for the C-performance rating will invite tough challenges and great difficulties, virtually making it impossible to implement. According to the analysis above, the study puts forth a few suggestions for the Examination Yuan to consider as it continues to fine-tune the relevant provisions. For one thing, specific conditions and circumstances should replace the two-percent threshold rule, while the C-rating as part of the performance appraisal system should be explicitly regulated by law. Also, due process of law should be fulfilled in administering the evaluation process. A concluding point is that the right to commence a proceeding of Administrative Litigation by anyone unsatisfied with a C-rating disposition, be it the first or second time in sequence, should be respected and granted.

Keywords: design evaluation, policy recommendation, performance appraisal system, the principle of legal reservation, due process of law