




英國文官制度歷經多次改革,其面貌已經大幅改變 1854 年《諾斯考特—崔佛利恩報告》(Northcote-Trevelyan Report)所建立的型 態,正朝向一個私部門人力資源管理的方向演進,尤其是 1988 年起 推動之「續階計畫」(the Next Steps),及因之而建立的「執行機 關模式」(Agency Model)為變革策略的核心。從新制度主義的角 度分析,英國文官制度變革是在舊有制度和歷史基礎之上進行的, 實際上的一連串轉變,仍是以傳統的價值為核心。從實務面看,目 前英國公共服務人力,除任職核心部會(department)人員外,有近 八成隸屬於各類執行機關(agency),加上國營事業、非部會公共 機構(NDPBs)等具有公共服務性質的單位,使英國行政體系呈現 彈性與多元特色。持正面看法者認為這個現象可以解決公部門人力 不足現象,也可使英國文官體系重視績效表現的文化漸漸確立;但 疑慮者則擔心人事成本會不降反增,一些間接的成本也會隨之出 現。同時,也認為過度依賴契約公務人力,對長期公共服務的提供有負面衝擊,最終將會傷害公務單位之屬性和固有能力。

[關鍵字]:英國文官制度、契約公務人力、續階計畫、執行機關模 式、新制度主義

The Flexible Strategies of the UK Public Service Reforms: A Historical Institutional Approach Analysis

Rong-Yang Huang


UK civil service system which was established by the Northcote-Trevelyan Report in 1854 has dramatically changed since the reforms in the past two decades. Since the Next Steps programme and agency model have become core strategies of civil service reform from 1988 onward, the drift in civil service towards more flexible forms of private sector human resource management has been widely noted. This paper uses institutionalist framework to explore the UK civil service reforms since 1979, and argues that these changes were based on previous institutional arrangements and historical processes. Apart from members who work in core departments, nearly 80 per cent of UK civil servants are now employed in various agencies, staterun enterprises or the NDPBs. In recent times, using short-term contract employees for public services delivery has become more obvious in the public sector. Some argue that contract workers play an important role in filling vacancies, helping to maintain the levels of service delivery. In addition, their use offers a better chance for the UK to establish performance-oriented culture in public services. Others argue against this, however, saying they in- crease both personnel and operational costs significantly. A further risk is that growing dependency on contract workers may be undermining the very functions of government offices and their competencies.

 Keywords: UK civil service, public service employment, Next Steps, Agency model, new institutionalism