




馬總統在就職演說明確宣示,新政府重要任務之一就是要樹立廉 能政治的新典範,新政府上台後,「廉能」亦為行政院施政方針之 一,人事行政局本於行政院之人事政策幕僚機關立場,為打造廉能新 公務團隊,協助公務人員對自我角色有正確之認知,從「心」實踐公 務倫理價值規範,隨即蒐集各國立法例(英國、美國、加拿大、日 本、新加坡、波蘭)及「經濟合作發展組織」OECD 會員國之主要倫 理核心價值(概述如本文),經由廣徵建言,全民參與修正公務人員 核心價值,研擬「公務倫理守則」十二則,強化倫理實踐,內容嚴 謹,以突顯當代之公務核心價值。 行政院前頒布之廉政倫理規範主要在於防貪腐部分,而該守則草 案規範內容則比較廣泛,除了防貪之消極性之外,還包括從積極性之 自我升華層面,以增進行政效能,建立優質新公務團隊。本文並針對 下列主題加以論述(一)公務倫理之意涵,除了包括積極追求社會公 道與正義實踐之「主觀責任」外,亦包括符合工作職務規範之「客觀 責任」。(二)公務倫理與廉能政府建立之關係。(三)倫理十二守 則相關實務案例。

當一個公務員能力行上述十二守則,並內化為自己之行為修持,時時惕厲自己,廉潔自持,自能成為廉能政府之優質公共服務員,而 博得人民之尊敬與信賴,促使政府施政早日達弊絕風清之境界。

[關鍵詞]:廉能政府、OECD會員國、倫理核心價值、公務倫理守 則、廉政倫理規範


An Analysis of a Clean Government and Public Service Ethics

Ching-Hsiou Chen


President Ma Ying-jeou in his inaugural address declared that to set a good example of a clean government is one of the most important missions for the new government. To build a new clean civil servant team which not only carries out the policy but also enhances a new self-reflection of individual civil servant is one of the major objectives of the new government. The author collects related data from different countries and briefly summarizes the core ethics values of OECD members in this article. The author also accepts suggestions and invites the participations from all walks of life, moreover, revises the core values of the civil servants and then the CPA enacts the Public Service Ethics, which differs from the Clean Government Act mainly regulating the anti-corruption range. The Public Service Ethics enforces the self-fulfillment for civil servants and aims to build an outstanding team.

This article also points out the following aspects: 1. The content of public administration ethics include the pursuit of social fairness and justice practice (responsibility) as well as the job specification code referred to “duty”. 2. The relationship between Public Service Ethics and building of clean government. 3. The practice of 12-code from Public Service Ethics. The civil servants can carry out the 12-code and internalized within themselves. They should be alerted always. We do hope that the new government shall accomplish the mission--to build a new clean government and each civil servant to become outstanding and to earn the respect and trust of the people.

Keywords: a clean government, OECD members, core ethics, public service ethics, the clean government acts