無論古今中外,廉能政府向來是人民仰望追求的目標,馬總統於 選前之廉能政策白皮書中即指出八項廉政革新工作,並於當選後積極 推動實踐,以期根除積弊,澄清吏治。本文從營造廉能政府的肇因、 公務倫理之意涵、反貪倡廉的國際性視野,民主課責機制,以及對我 國當前營造廉能政府之作法加以說明,相信在逐步完善我國文官制 度,強化公務倫理內涵後,必能使每一位公務人員面對倫理判斷時, 均能正念分明地作出正確且適當的決定,繼而重建公義廉能政府,為 國家永續發展奠定堅實之基礎。
[關鍵詞]:廉能政府、公務倫理、課責、永續發展 邀稿論文。
Reconstructing a Clean Government: Public Service Ethics Perspectives
Che-Shen Chang
No matter in what countries or what time in history, a clean government is always what citizens desire for. After the presidential campaign, President Ma Ying-jeou actively carried out a clean government reform programs which he proposed in his campaign white paper, hoping to remove long existing abuses and retain civil service disciplines. This article discusses issues including the factors of the establishment of a fair government, the implications of civil service ethics, the international aspects on anti-corruption and the current approaches the ROC government implement to build a fair government. After the civil service system is improved and the concept of ethics is strengthened, we believe that all civil servants will unquestionably make the right decisions whenever they face ethical judgments. A clean government can then be obtained to form a sound foundation for the sustainable development of the country.
Keywords: clean government, public service ethics, accountability, sustainable development