




公共行政人員的行動必然受到個人價值和信仰的影響,而合於公 平正義的價值體系正是公務倫理應被填充的內容,此即本文所欲論述 之內涵。本文首先闡述公共行政主流論述─管理主義對於行政人員的 人性假定,進而剖析其導引之公共行政人員倫理思維和實踐行動的限 制。其次根據前述反思,重塑公共行政人員的人性假定。最後,依據 重塑的人性假定,勾勒公共行政人員所應採取的宏觀倫理思維及其實踐行動。


Rethinking to Discourse of Ethics of Public Service and Ethical Praxis: From the Assumption of Human

Nature Li-Yi Hsu


The actions of public administrators are influenced by their values and beliefs. The value systems of justice and social equity, therefore, must be the major content of ethics of public service. Firstly, the author explicates the assumptions of human nature in dominant discourses of public administration that is the so-called managerialism containing determinism and atomism, and further analyzes the limitations. Secondly, this article redefines assumption of human nature about public administrator, and finally constructs the macro vision about ethics of public service and its praxis that public administrators should possess.

Keywords: public administrator, ethics of public service, assumption of human nature, active-social self