我們在前不久考選部舉辦的研討會中,曾提出重新檢視政府普遍欠缺的專業類別人力,如建築與土木專長等專技人員進入政府服務機制,促進政府與民間人才良性流動及職涯轉換與歷練的國家人力資源改革方向,我們也將「鬆綁專技人員轉任制度,兼顧考試用人及彈性用人政 策,提升政府人力資源管理效益」及「規劃跨域人才交流制度,以有效培育優質專業人力」這兩項,列入本院新的施政綱領中,以顯示對這兩項議題的重視。
Next I prepare a bilingual presentation to welcome all of our honorable speakers.
1. The Examination Yuan and we are expected
(1)To serve as a national authority responsible at least in legal implementation to empower the public service sector so that a betterment of the people and the Nation can all be benefited.
(2)To serve as a constitutional institution to effectively manage the national-level quality assurance protocols so that the standards of selection, training, and promotion of post-graduate human resources can be largely enhanced.
(3)To set appropriate international benchmarking and to create the friendly interchanges between the private and the public sectors so that the total quality in the society can be maximized. That’s why we are here today.
2. The impossibility to find a perfect solution
Suppose that each of the following criteria should be conformed for any policy changes: to raise the level of governmental efficacy in doing right things and doing the things right, no violation of fairness and justice, to maintain the stability and order in the public service sector, to maintain the individual and group rationality, equal voting power, no dictatorship, and Pareto efficiency (all concerned parties are better off).
Most of the time, however, it is impossible to design a policy to fulfill all the above criteria. The problem lies in the fact that the chosen criteria are often intrinsically inconsistent or contradictory against each other, even if each of the criteria is usually conceived of as legitimate and desirable in its own right.
3. Divide and conquer
There is no such thing as perfect solution, we must be satisfied with a less-than-perfect solution under constraints. Or, no real achievements could be expected. The best strategy to find a way out is to divide and conquer. To divide is to decompose the complicated Gordian knot into computable and divisible components. Then we could conduct the priority setting to see if there exists any acceptable solution, and conquer the problem with an Alexander cut!
That’s what we were doing in the past. It is becoming even more urgent in the future. Your timely inputs are thus very instrumental at this moment and for the future. Thank you for coming.