  • 發行機關:考試院
  • 發行人:劉建忻
  • 創刊日期:2021年1月29日
  • 發行機關:考試院
  • 發行人:劉建忻
  • 創刊日期:2021年1月29日


Enabling English Language Proficiency: The British Council's Approach and Experience

Andrea Hales, Director English, British Council

How the British Council has supported the English language training of civil servants around the world and practical suggestions to support English learning for busy civil servants in Taiwan.

The motivation to learn a new skill can come for having a clear purpose for using that skill. Taiwan has created a very clear purpose to learn English with the 2030 blueprint for developing a bilingual nation, which aims to cultivate Taiwan’s English language proficiency. This is an ambitious goal which will equip people in Taiwan with the English language skills needed to participate confidently on the world stage, where English is the current lingua franca used for international diplomacy, business, education, science, and technology.

This aim to cultivate Taiwan’s English language proficiency connects with one of the British Council's key aims - to create a more widespread and better knowledge of English. The British Council specialises in creating cultural and educational opportunities around the world between the UK and other countries, and one of our ways of working is to partner with governments to provide access to comprehensive and sustainable English language training programmes. These programmes focus on delivering long-term impact and measurable success.


The British Council has worked with many civil services around the world to facilitate their English language development, including in: Thailand, Ukraine, Singapore, Indonesia, Myanmar, Qatar, Montenegro, Colombia and Japan. From these experiences, there are three key English language learning strategies that have proved fundamental to the long-term success and sustainability of these projects.

1.Create a long-term commitment to learning success

To represent Taiwan in the world arena confidently in English, resources and time are needed to develop and deepen understanding of appropriate vocabulary and language skills required for international cooperation and relationship building. To see measurable progress in this, it is important that a comprehensive English learning plan is developed. This plan should have a clear understanding of both the medium and long-term English language goals needed across all ranks of the civil service.

For anywhere with bilingual ambitions, it is important that recognition is given to the understanding that there is no quick fix if real sustainable progress is to be made. Everywhere we have worked we have used a variation of the following three questions as a simple starting point for developing learning plans for each rank:

i. What English level are the civil servants in this rank at now?

ii. What English level do the civil servants in this rank need to get to?

iii. How will the civil servants in this rank get to that level?

Using these questions as a basis, we are able to create a comprehensive learning plan to match these fundamental needs, following a tailored model such as in the example below (Figure 1). This model incorporates flexible elements of self-access learning, online and/or face-to-face trainer-led classes, assessment and accreditation.


In Thailand, for example, the British Council worked with Thailand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to develop a comprehensive learning plan to support the development of English language skills for civil servants wanting to take part in United Nations Peacekeeping Missions around the world. This programme was delivered over seven years from 2013 to 2019 and supported English proficiency through an integrated programme of direct teaching and trainer development. In addition to the face-to-face training, the programme also supported the wider learning of English through the development of a self-access English learning centre at Thailand’s Peace Operations Centre in Bangkok.

In Ukraine, the British Council has developed comprehensive English language training programmes across various levels of Ukraine's civil service ranks and to date we have taught over 2,800 civil servants, including: The Office of the President; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Internal Affairs; Ministry of Economic Development; Ministry of Finance; Ministry of Education, Ministry of Culture; the National Police; and the State Fiscal Service. These programmes are tailored to the specific needs of each group, with each course duration between 120-160 hours. The courses focus on communicative ability, enabling the participants to speak more fluently and confidently, and in doing so, helping them to represent Ukraine more effectively on the international stage. It has also increased the participants effectiveness in accessing and making use of relevant international information commonly available in English.

2.Create opportunities to use English in stress-free settings

Creating opportunities within Taiwan to communicate in English is crucial in giving civil servants a platform to be able to use their English language skills in a low stress and engaging way.

In October this year the British Council and the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Taiwan held its first English Networking event, with colleagues from the British Council and the MOE meeting together for an afternoon of activities and discussions in English. This was the first in a series of networking events to provide staff from the MOE with an opportunity to use their English skills and build their fluency and confidence. These types of events are a fantastic way to cultivate English communicative competence and are also a lot of fun.

Many civil servant ministries and departments we have worked with around the world have created their own internal opportunities for staff to use their English in more relaxed settings.

A couple of examples of these include:

i. Setting up English lunchtime sessions.

Colleagues in the same office or building get together one lunchtime a week for 30 minutes to practice speaking together on a range of different topics. They advertise the day and time on internal channels and bring their lunch. It is a great way to not only meet different colleagues, but also to chat and learn new things together. Mixed levels can learn from each other and it is a stress-free way to give staff the opportunity to speak in English, with no fear or worry about making mistakes. Staff may feel shy to speak to their colleagues in English, however the more they do interact in English, the more confident they will feel. The key is just to talk, which in turn begins to build communicative fluency and confidence. These skills can then be transferred into the work environment and help staff feel more ready to engage in English with international ministries, organisations and partners.

Some examples of good topics and discussion questions for informal lunch groups can be found at the following link:


ii. Joining an English online community.

This is a great way to learn English and there are many online communities around the world that use English - on every possible type of topic or hobby. It also enables people to engage in an all-English environment internationally and interact with many different people from around the world. Developing lexical sets in English on a topic or hobby that you are familiar with in your own language is less daunting than in an unfamiliar topic. It also helps to develop confidence and fluency in communicative language skills such as sharing ideas, agreeing and disagreeing with others’ opinions, and in giving one’s own opinion, all of which are also important language skills in English which can be transferred into the workplace.

The British Council itself has an active online community which is free for anyone to join where participants can read articles, do short exercises, and leave comments for other participants. Here is an example of one on a current affairs topic - Climate Change and COP26.  

3.Create an English learning habit

Given the demands of their roles, civil servants can often be time-poor, so opportunities to build learning into daily routines, in short manageable chunks of time, is important. In this way English learning becomes a routine, like brushing your teeth. This is the ‘little and often’ learning mindset. Consistent learning - as little as 15 minutes a day - can have an enormous impact over the course of a year. By studying for 15 minutes each day a person can achieve over 90 hours in a year. Just think how much progress can be made in that time!

The British Council has developed many free resources to help make it easier to build English learning into the daily lives of busy civil servants. Our LearnEnglish web resources offer an extensive range of short activities for all levels of learner and using these are a great way to spend a short time each day on particular skills, vocabulary or grammar development. Our free learning Apps or Podcasts are ideal to use on the MRT to and from work, for a quick 15 minutes each lunchtime, or before going to bed. A total of 110 million people used our English learning websites in 2020-21 to help support them with their English language learning - little and often is the key!

Our learning resources can be found at the following links:







培植英語力: 英國文化協會的方法和經驗

安翠雅  英國文化協會英語學習總監




















安排同一辦公室或大樓裡的同仁參加每周一次30 分鐘的午餐聚會,設計多元主題讓大家一起練習說英文。透過公告欄或其它內部管道宣傳活動時間,邀請同仁攜帶午餐參加活動。這不僅是認識其他同事、也是一起聊天學習新事物的好方法。混合程度者彼此互相學習,在無壓力的狀態下輕鬆以英語交流,無須擔心犯錯。同事之間以英語交談或許有些靦腆,然而隨著英語互動的機會增多,信心將會逐漸提升。關鍵就是「開口說」,這反而是建立流暢和自信溝通的開端。這些語言技能可移轉到工作環境中,幫助同仁適應與國際部會、組織和合作夥伴以英語進行交流。





英國文化協會有一個活躍的線上社群,歡迎大家自由加入,裡面可以閱讀文章、做簡短的練習、為其他社群網友留言建議。這裡有一個關於時事主題的例子 – 氣候變化和COP26


公務人員因職務需求而往往缺乏閒暇時間,因此將學習納入日常生活之中,利用易於管理的零碎時間學習是很重要的。這樣,英語學習就如同刷牙般的融入日常生活中,這正是「短暫而頻繁」積少成多的學習心態。持續每日短短 15 分鐘的學習,可以在一年內產生巨大的影響。一個人每天15分鐘的學習,一年可達到90小時以上的學習,試想這樣的時間將能帶來多麼大的進步。

英國文化協會開發許多免費資源,協助繁忙的公務人員能更容易地將英語學習納入日常生活中。我們的LearnEnglish網站資源為各種程度的學習者提供了廣泛多元的小活動,運用這些資源,每天利用零碎時間學習特定技巧、詞彙或語法。我們的免費的學習應用程式Podcasts,是上下班捷運途中、每日午餐或睡前15分鐘的理想選擇。在 2020至2021 年間,共有1.1億人使用我們的英語學習網站來支援他們的語言學習。記住,「短暫而頻繁」是關鍵!



