




本文希望藉由臺灣公務體系累積多年的人力資料庫,嘗試驗證性別因素對陞遷的影響力。本文結合全國公務人力資料庫和銓敘業務資料庫,整理成一份橫跨1988年至2012年的縱貫性資料(longitudinal data),從資料庫中篩選出以同等條件(相當於高考第6職等資格)進入公務體系之人員共50,354人作為分析對象,觀察這群人進入公職後陞任簡任第10職等的情形。
本文以存活分析(survival analysis)模型進行分析,控制個人能力變數和機關變數之後,觀察「性別」是否為影響公務人力陞遷之顯著因素,並比較不同時期進入公職者的差異。研究發現,陞遷發展的性別差異確實存在,男性陞遷至高階職位的數量多、速度快,最明顯的是發生在第二時期進入公職的那些公務同仁(也就是他們進入公職第13年至第20年之間)。至於第三時期進入公職者,性別因素的影響是消退還是強化,仍有待未來研究持續觀察。


The Influence of Gender on Civil Servants’ Career Development: A Longitudinal Civil Service Personnel Database Analysis

Don-Yun Chen, Yu-Chin Chien, Chung-Pin Lee, Kaiju Chang, Yu-Feng Chen, Chin-Yu Lin


Did gender influence a public employee’s promotion? According to the 2018 statistics published by the authorities, the proportions of women serving in government was still rising in recent years. However, the propotions of women in the high rank was only 34.6%, much lower than the men.
In order to observe the influence of public employee’s gender on career development, we used the official personnel data collected by government. The longitudinal data extended over 25 years. We selected those who joined the public service after having passed the examination of the senior level as a criterion. The samples stood at 50,354. The dependent variable was whether the public employee had been promoted to level 10.
Besides social demographic variables, we put ability variables and organization variable into the model. We used survival analysis to test the model. This result showed that gender mattered, especially for those who joined the civil service in the 1992-1999 period. The results on those joining the service prior to 1992 and after 1999 were not known, owing to data collection and the personnel laws. Further studies are needed to see how gender affects a civil servant’s career development during these two periods.

Keywords: promotion, civil service, gender, survival analysis, gender mainstreaming