





然而兩者的互動不易被觀察記錄,即便透過訪談或問卷調查蒐集亦有其侷限性,因此本研究選定英國經典影集「是的,部長!」(Yes Minister)作為文本分析的研究對象,將該影集3季共21集的劇情內容,分別針對「決策情境」、政務官與事務官的「價值偏好」及「行為選擇」,和兩者間「互動對政策產出結果的影響」4大主軸進行分析,了解影片中的政務官與事務官有哪些價值或行動上的衝突,其解決方式或互動路徑又有何參考之處,並將政務官與事務官互動模式進行歸納整理,以期對政務官與事務官間的互動有更深入的描摹,進而作為實務上參考、學習與借鏡的範本。

[關鍵詞]: 「是的,部長!」、政務與事務關係、價值偏好、行為選擇、影視產品分析

The Interaction between Political Appointees and Civil Servants under Democratic Governance: A Content Analysis of “Yes Minister”

Chi-Jung Lu, Li-Chun Lin, Don-Yun Chen


All democratic states face the challenge of ruling party alternations, especially as they relate to the interaction between political appointees and senior civil servants. Political appointees represent political parties and political interests. Political parties and voters have high expectations that these political appointees can achieve certain outcomes. Conversely, civil servants work under a system that protects career bureaucrats, and are expected to develop professional expertise, stabilize the operation of government, and act according to professional rather than political considerations. Due to their different value orientations, political appointees and civil servants frequently have contrasting missions. Reconciling these two types of value is fundamental to ensuring the proper functioning of government. As a result, the interaction between political appointees and civil servants has a critical influence on the performance of government.

However, it is not easy to directly observe the interaction between political appointees and civil servants. To outsiders, the actual interaction between the two always appears to have taken place in a black box. In order to shed light on this black box, this study analyzes the interaction between appointees and civil servants as depicted in film and television programs. The classic British series, “Yes Minister” was chosen as the study’s research subject due to its skillful and poignant portrayal of interactions between ministers and bureaucrats, allowing a deeper understanding of the issue. The study employs textual analysis as the principal research method. Each of the series’ 21 episodes were textually reinterpreted using the same analytical methods, which were constructed by categorizing the decision-making environment, value orientations, behaviors, and reaction to policy outputs for both political appointees and senior civil servants. After analyzing and categorizing the interactions between political appointees and civil servants, we can learn more about the possible scenarios for their relationship. Practically speaking, political appointees and civil servants can use this study to learn more about their roles and mutual interactions.

Keywords:  “Yes Minister”, political appointees and civil servants, value preference, choice behavior, film and television product analysis