機關委外不同於傳統的部分業務(如服務或勞務)委外,專指公部門將土地或建物交由民間機構負責興(重)建,進一步(或單純)委由這類機構負責營運。實務上,由於是機關整體委外,因此這類建物或館舍大多早已存在,只是比較老舊或不合時宜,策略上政府當局乃轉而思考委由民間機構負責重建——期望透過民間資金、創意及管理技術的挹注,提升公共建設或服務的品質,其中ROT或OT是實務上常見模式。儘管這類「促參」(Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects)業務看似非常實務取向,但理論上,我們仍可將其置於「公私夥伴關係」(Public Private Partnerships, PPPs)的概念底下,並聚焦於公共行政與管理學者比較關心的市場條件與組織管理層面,分析這類政策工具執行上存在的理論與實務落差。本研究透過一場由臺北市政府重點局處代表所組成的焦點座談,按照機關委外的事前、事中、事後程序,開放與會者自由討論,並仿照紮根理論研究法進行文本分析與資料呈現,文末討論則是聚焦於:如何排除機關委外過程中公共利益可能受到潛在傷害的來源。
[關鍵詞]: 機關委外、促參、公私夥伴關係、重建-營運-移轉、營運-移轉
The Myths and Challenges of Government Agency outsourcing
Kuan-Chiu Tseng, Kai-Hung Fang
With the increasing popularity of “private participation in infrastructure projects,” more and more government agencies are (re)constructed and/ or operated by private-sector organization -- so-called ROT or OT in practice. In this way, government authorities exchange distinctive resources with private corporations and vice versa in order to reap the benefits of collaborative synergy. In this article, the authors explore the critical myths and challenges that practitioners may face while utilizing this emergent policy tool in terms of market condition and internal managerial capacity, especially under the theoretical framework of “public-private partnerships.” Methodologically, a focus group interview of 10 key agency representatives from Taipei City Government is our data collecting strategy, and the data are analyzed via the grounded theory method. To prevent public interest from being damaged, discussions and implications are also provided based on the different stages of implementation of agency outsourcing.
Keywords: agency outsourcing, private participation in infrastructure projects, public-private partnerships, ROT, OT